964 Hamilton Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94301 U.S.A.

Tel: 650 325-7500; Fax: 650 325-1080; E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; web: www.healthwrights.org


NOTE: David Werner’s books, many papers, and most issues of Newsletter from the Sierra Madre (which include scores of Werner’s articles in addition to those listed here) are freely accessible online at www.healthwrights.org. David Werner is also co-editor of the Politics of Health Knowledge Network: www.politicsofhealth.org.


Born August 26, 1934, in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA


1993 to present Co-founder/director of HealthWrights (Workgroup for People’s Health and Rights), a small non-profit organization dedicated internationally to community based health and rehabilitation activities, development of self-help literature, and networking for the politics of health and development. Based in Palo Alto, California, USA. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; website: www.healthwrights.org

2001 to present Co-director and contributor, website: Politics of Health Knowledge Network, www.politicsofhealth.org

l993 to present Visiting Professor, Boston University, International School of Public Health, Summer MPH Course. “Teaching on Community Based Health Care and Health Education for Change.”

1985 to present Guest instructor at Stanford University in different international health courses and seminars, including Sophomore Seminar on “Medical Experiences in Foreign Lands.”

1998 to present Board of Directors, Inter-American Institute on Disability, Washington, DC.

1990 to present Founding member, International People’s Health Council (IPHC)

1981 to present Co-founder, advisor and facilitator, PROJIMO (Program of Rehabilitation Organized by Disabled Youth of Western Mexico). E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

2005 to present Advisory Board, Action for Health in the Americas, www.actionforhealth.org, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

2001 to present Advisory Board, Earthspeak (internat. post-surgical speech training prog.), Palo Alto, CA

1993 to present Advisory Board, Partners for Health, Boston, Massachusetts.

1964 to 1997 Founder, facilitator, health educator, and advisor, PROJECT PIAXTLA, a villager-run primary health care and development program in the Sierra Madre of Western Mexico

Jan 2010 Keynote address, 2ndo Congreso de Atención Primaria en Salud, Morelia, Michoacan, México. Title of address: “Los niños como promotores de salud y agentes de cambio.”

Also an address on “Atención Primaria a la Salud y los derechos humanos fundementales”

Oct-Nov 2009 Lecture and workshop tour in Japan: 5 talks in Tokyo, Saku and Nagoya, with SHARE, JICA, AHI, and others, on themes concerning PHC, CBR and Politics of health.

July, 2009 Keynote address at conference on Assitive Technology at Low Cost, Albacete, Spain.

March, 2009 Facilitated CBR Assistive Technology workshops in Guayaquil, Ecuador for the University of Casa Grande..

Feb 2009 Facilitated CBR Assistive Technology workshops in Lima and Chimbote Peru for Stichting Liliane Fonds. .

2008 - 09 Guest speaker, Stanford University, “International Health Opportunities” class.

2008 - 09 Guest lecturer, International health courses at Touro Unversity, Mare Island, CA

Apr 2008 Keynote and Workshop on Community Health Education and Community Based Rehabilitation at Congreso de Trastornos de Movimimiento (CETRAM) Santiago Chile.

Feb-Mar 2008 Facilitated CBR Assistive Technology workshops in Medellin and Monteria Colombia for Stichting Liliane Fonds.

Nov 2007 Consultant for Health and Harmony, community health and environmental conservation program in West Kalimantan, Borneo, Indonesia

Oct 2007 Instructor, International Course on CBR, Enablement. Sosterberg, Holland.

April 2007 Consultant to Dept. of Education, state of Michoacan, Mexico, to introduce Child-to-Child activities into the state school system, to make schooling more relevant to the lives of the children; conducted a seminar and workshop with teachers, educators, and schoolchildren.

Feb-March 2007 Consultant with Western Cape Association for Persons with Disabuility; conducted series of seminars and workshops on Community Based Rehabilitation in Cape Town area, S. Africa

Jan 2007 Keynote Speaker, Encuentro sobre Rehabilitacion Basada en la Comunidad, Red de Discapacidad y Comunidad, Mexico City.

Dec 2006 Keynote Speaker, Congreso Estatal Popular de Educacion y Cultura, Morelia Michoacan Mexico

Oct 2006 Keynote Speaker, Regional Conference on Social Pediatrics, Guayaquil, Ecuador

Sept 2006 Keynote speaker, New York State Occupational Therapy Association, New York, NY

Feb 2006 Instructor, International Course on CBR, Enablement. Sosterberg, Holland.

Sept-Oct 2005 Conducted an external evaluation of Community Based Rehabilitation Project run by the Juana Leclerc Institute in Tegucigalpa Honduras.

Oct-Nov 2005 Conducted 3 hands-on workshops on Community Based Rehabilitation and the creation of low-cost technical aids for disabled children, in India, for Stichting Liliane Fonds.

May 2005 Conducted two hands-on workshops on Community Based Rehabilitation and the creation of low-cost technical aids for disabled children, for Los Pipitos, Nicaragua.

May 2004 Conducted an external evaluation of Community Based Rehabilitation Project in Granma, Cuba for Handicap International Belgium.

March 19, 2004 Speaker, American Medical Students Asst. 54th Annual Convention, “Forging a Future of Health Equity, Kansas City.

Feb-March, 2004 Facilitated 2 courses and hands-on ap. tech. workshops on Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) for Stichting Liliane Fonds in Sucre and Santa Cruz, Bolivia.

Nov 2003 Advisor-consultant to Pilot CBR Program in Istanbul. Keynote address, National Seminar on Rehabilitation, Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey.

Oct 2003 Conducted an external evaluation of Community Based Rehabilitation Program REI in Cartagena, Colombia, for Handicap International Belgium.

Sept 2003 Guest lecturer, Universidad de Nur and Universidad de Santa Cruz, Bolivia.

May, 2003 Innovative Technology in Community Based Rehabilitation, workshop facilitator, CIREC, Bogota, Colombia

May, 2003 Guest instructor, workshop, Role of promotores de salud, Chimaltenango, Guatemala.

May, 2003 Program evaluator, conducted external evaluation of RICA Community Based Rehabilitation program, Cedros, Honduras, for ChristofelBlindenMision (CBM)

May, 2003 Featured speaker, workshop facilitator, Innovative Technology in CBR Tegucigalpa, Honduras

March, 2003 Fifth Annual Forum in Assistive Technology, Hampshire College in Amherst,

Massachusetts, Keynote speaker, workshop coordinator.

1998 to 2002 Member of the analytic group and steering committee of the People’s Health Assembly, first held Dec, 2000 in Bangladesh; now People’s Health Movement: www.phamovement.org

Oct 2002 Featured speaker, “UnHeard Voices.” Sixth Annual Conference on Medical Interpreting. Cambridge, MA.

Sept 2002-2007 Facilitator/instructor, Community Based Rehabilitation -- International Course in Disability and Rehabilitation Management, Utrecht, Netherlands

Feb-Mar 2002 Consultant in India for State of Andrah Pradesh/World Bank pilot phase of the “Andrah Pradesh Rural Poverty Reduction Program,” Community Based Disability Initiative.

Jan-Feb 2002 Co-facilitator, course on “Health Education, Methods that Empower,” University of Western Cape, Community Health Summer School, Cape Town, South Africa.

Jan-Feb 2001 Consultant for WHO and the Minstry of Health of Iran, on restructuring the Dept. of Health Education and Promotion. Facilitatred workshops on “Health Education for Change.”

May 2001 Facilitated workshops Discovery-based Health Education for trainers of community health workers in Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas Mexico, for the State Health Dept.

Sept 2001 Co- facilitated with Christoffel-Blindenmission a six day Regional Training Course in Community-Based Rehabilitation in Quito, Ecuador.

Sept 2000 Keynote speaker and co-facilitator of the Regional Forum for Health of the People in Cuenca, Ecuador. Sponsored by the Cuenca Faculty of Medical Sciences.

May 2000 Advisor for Ashoka Foundation, consulted with various stainable development projects in Oaxaca, Mexico.

1993 to 1999 Occasional guest instructor, World Institute on Disability, Oakland, California.

Sept-Oct. 1999 Consultant and keynote speaker at annual meeting of the Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA), in Darwin, Australia.

April 1999 Gave seminar on Community-Based Health and Rehab in Rural Mexico at Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts.

April 1999 Gave talk at Harvard School of Public Health: “People’s Struggle for Health in Rural Mexico – Local Successes and Global Obstacles.”

1984 to 1998 Advisory committee, AHRTAG’s Appropriate Technology in Rehab Newsletter.

Nov 1998 Temporary Advisor to WHO for 20th Anniversary Conference of Alma Ata Declaration, Almaty, Kazakhstan.

Nov 1998 Facilitator, Workshop on Community Based Rehabilitation, JANET, Tokyo, Japan. (Also several seminars and workshops on Politics of Health and on health education.)

Nov 1998 Facilitator, short course for doctors and social workers in participatory health education, Dept. of Health, Mexico City.

Jan-Feb. 1998 Facilitator, course on methodology of participatory health education, University of Western Cape, Community Health Summer School, Cape Town, Australia.

1985 to 1996 International Steering Committee, Child-to-Child Program, University of London Institutes of Child Health and Education.

1973 to 1993 Director of the Hesperian Foundation, a nonprofit group concerned with rural health care, health education, and publication of self-help handbooks, (then in) Palo Alto, California.

July 1997 Facilitator, “Curso de Capacitação de Multiplicadores em Reabilitação Baseada na Comunidade,” Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Consultant to Ministry of Social Affairs (CORDE).

June 1997 Facilitator of workshop on “NAFTA’s Impact on Mexico,” The Other Economic Summit (TOES), Denver, Colorado, USA.

Jan. 1997 Facilitator, Child-to-Child course, University of Western Cape, Community Health Summer School, Cape Town, Australia.

Oct-Nov. 1996 Facilitator, “Curso de Capacitação de Multiplicadores em Reabilitação Baseada na Comunidade,” Recife, Brazil. Consultant to Ministry of Social Affairs (CORDE).

Dec 1996 Keynote address at the celebration: “25 Years of Bangladesh Independence: 25 Years of Gonoshasthaya Kendra,” Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Aug 1996 Keynote speaker at The 11th Annual Meeting of the Japan Association for International Health, The Asia Health Institute Foundation.

Apr 1996 Consultant to Asociación de Organizaciones No Gobernmentales que Trabajen en Salud, Bolivia, in Community Based Rehabilitation.

Apr 1996 Advisor to Argentina Health Ministry in planning new approaches for improving child health. Symposium on Child Health in the 3rd Millennium., Salta, Argentina.

Jan 1996 Facilitator of course on Participatory Methods of School Health Education (Child-to-Child), University of the Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa.

1964 to 1995 Founder/advisor of Project Piaxtla, a primary health care network run and staffed by villagers in the mountains of western Mexico.

Feb-Mar. 1995 Facilitator of workshop in Moscow on use of Disabled Village Children in Russian, with the All Russian Society of the Disabled and World Institute on Disability.

March 1995 Social Summit, Copenhagen, representing International People’s Health Council (IPHC).

May-June 1995 UN Planning Meeting on Development and Disability. Vienna International Center, Vienna, Austria.

Sept 1995 Co-facilitator, Workshop on Appropriate Assistive Devices, Madras, India. With the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN-ESCAP).

Nov 1995 Series of workshops w/ Educación Popular en Salud (EPES), Santiago,Concepción, Chile.

Nov 1995 DEF’RIO 95 “Cidadania Plena ó Direito e Dever de Todos”; Consultant to the Min. of Social Affairs (CORDE), national plan for Community Based Rehab, Rio, Brazil.

March 1994 Workshop facilitator. Low income community health initiatives, with the Neighbor-hood Academy and the School of Social Work, University of Michigan, Detroit.

Nov 1994 Co-facilitator. Workshop: “Involving People with a Disability in Doing CBR.” Solo, Indonesia.

Sept 1993 to Feb 1995 World Health Organization: Research and Training in Tropical Diseases. Task Force on Healthy Women’s Counseling Guide. Field projects in Sierra Leone, Kenya, and Nigeria.

April 1993 to 1995 Consultant. PARI: Program for Interactive Learning through Radio for Health Education in Primary Schools. Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Through EDC, Boston.

Oct l992 to 1994 Planning Committee, Task Force on Community Based Rehabilitation. International League of Societies for Persons with Mental Handicap (ILSMH).

l992 to present International Advisory Committee, Health Action. AHRTAG, UK.

1991 to present Advisory Board, Vietnam Health, Education and Literature Projects (VNHELP).

1991 through 1993 Primary Investigator. Innovative Research in Participatory Rehabilitation Technology (with PROJIMO, Sinaloa, Mexcico). Grant from Thrasher Research Fund, Utah.

Feb 1990 to 1994 Advisory Board, LINKS Health and Development Report, NCAHRN.

May 1986 & Jan. 1984 Consultant, UNICEF’s “State of the World’s Children” policy/examining workshop.

Mar 1986 & Sept 1987 Consultant, diarrhea control, Mozambique Ministry of Health.

Mar 1984 to Dec 1985 Consultant, PRICOR Research Study of Community Health Workers, State of

Mexico, Ministry of Health.

Nov 1983 Consultant to World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, “Self-Care in Primary Health Care.”

Oct. to Nov. 1982 Voluntary Health Association of India, guest to consult with community-based health programs in India.

June 1982 Guest instructor, national training course for rural health officers, Zimbabwe.

Jan 1982 UNICEF consultant and visitor to community health and rehabilitation programs in Bangladesh, India, Nepal, and Thailand.

Aug 1981 Leader of a team of Latin American community health workers in a visit to community health programs in the Philippines to exchange experiences and ideas.

Dec 1979 Consultant to US Peace Corps for in-service trraining workshops in Senegal, Gambia, and Central African Republic.

Nov 1979 Coordinator of educational exchange program for village health instructors from Mexico and Central America, in Ajoya, Sinaloa, Mexico.

April 1979 Consultant to Pan American Health Organization on primary health care.

1974 to 1975 Consultant, Planning Branch, Ministry of Education, Mexico, to plan making ‘primary health care’ a full subject in school. Redesign of school textbooks on health.

1961 to 1965 Co-founder, board member, and bio-science/ecology teacher at Pacific High School, a small private alternative school for self-motivated youth in Palo Alto, California.

1961 to 1963 Instructor (1961-62) and Director (1963-64), Peninsula Summer Science Program, Peninsula School, Menlo Park, California.

1956 to 1957 Free-lance journalist with the Cincinnati Enquirer, Cincinnati, Ohio.

1955 – 1956 Editor, Nucleus, monthly newspaper of the University of New England, Armidale, NSW, Australia

1955 to 1956 Research assistant, Field Study with Commonwealth Industrial and Investigative Research (CIIR), Armidale, NSW, Australia. Biological control of rabbits with mosquito spread virus, Myxomatosis.

1951-54, 56-58, Contractor with US Forest Service, on five-needle pine Blister Rust disease control, national forests of northern California (summers).

1950, summer Tour guide and natural history museum assistant naturalist, Lost River Glacial Caverns, North Woodstock, NH.


1940 to 1951 Kilgore Primary School, Withrow Jr. High, and Withrow High School, Cincinnati, Ohio.

1954 to 1956 University of New England, N.S.W., Australia, zoology/ecology major.

  • Edited university newspaper, “Nucleus” 1955, 1956.
  • James Murdock Scholarship for outstanding science student, 1955 and 1956.
  • Bachelor of Science degree, 1956.

1957 to 1958 Graduate studies in English poetry and theater, University of Cincinnati, Ohio, USA.

1959 to 1960 Study of French language and culture, Alliance Francaise, Paris, France.

1960 to 1961 Independent study trip to the Orient. Six months in Vedantin ashram in Rishikesh, India, studying Hindi and Eastern philosophy. Walked with Vinoba Bhave, Gandhi’s successor in land reform movement, in Bihar, India. Studied and visited educational alternatives of Gandhi/Vinoba Bhave, and J. Krishnamurti, southern India.

1961 Studied Zen Buddhism at the Zen Study Center in Kyoto, Japan; studied Sumi-e-ga charcoal ink brush painting with a Zen artist in Kyoto.

1964 Apprenticed informally in basic emergency medical procedures at the Emergency Room of Stanford Hospital, Palo Alto, California



Donde No Hay Doctor: Una guía para los campesinos que viven lejos de los centros médicos, 1973, 480 pp. Published by Editorial Pax México, Cuatro Vientos (Chile), and in Peru and Colombia. Available through HealthWrights. Online: www.healthwrights.org.

Where There Is No Doctor: A Village Health Care Handbook, Hesperian Foundation, Berkeley, CA, first English edition 1977, 464 pp. Translated, revised, and republished in over 90 languages, including Portuguese, Swahili, Indonesian, French, Arabic, Hindi, Tagalog, and Khmer. Distribution of over three million copies. Also published in English by Macmillan Publishers (London), Charity Sweepstakes, (Philippines), and Voluntary Health Association of India (VHAI). Available through HealthWrights. English and Spanish editions online: www.healthwrights.org. Review in New Internarionalist #100-1981 Jun p30 http://www.newint.org/issue100/reviews.htm

Helping Health Workers Learn: A Book of Methods, Aids, and Ideas for Instructors at the Village Level, Co-authored with Bill Bower, January 1982. Available through HealthWrights and Hesperian Foundation, 640 pp. Translations in Spanish and Portuguese, French, Russian, Arabic and other languages. English and Spanish editions online: www.healthwrights.org. Review, New Internarionalist #104-1981 Oct http://www.newint.org/issue104/update.htm

Disabled Village Children: A Guide for Community Health Workers, Rehabilitation Workers, and Families, Available through HealthWrights, 1987, 654 pp. Translation in Spanish, French, Portuguese, Russian, and many other languages. Indian edition in English, Hindi, and Telugu. English and Spanish editions online: www.healthwrights.org.

Questioning the Solution: The Politics of Primary Health Care and Child Survival, By David Werner and David Sanders. Available through HealthWrights, 1997, 207 pp. Japanese translation, 1998; Spanish translation, 2002. English and Spanish editions online at: www.healthwrights.org.

Nothing About Us Without Us: Developing Innovative Technologies For, By and With Disabled Persons, 1998, 360 pp. Spanish translation, 2002, Telugu translation, 2002. English and Spanish editions on www.healthwrights.org.

Karate Kids: What We Need to Know about AIDS, Mark Connolly, with David Werner, (Toronto, Street Kids International, 1990). Booklet, comic book, and video.

Health Care in Societies in Transition: A Report on a Small International Meeting Held in Managua, Nicaragua, December 4-9, 1991, International People’s Health Council, October, 1992. Available through HealthWrights. Translation in Spanish.

Articles, Papers, and Chapters of Books:

Report from the Sierra Madre, I-IV, 1965-67, Project Piaxtla, Available through HealthWrights.

Newsletter from the Sierra Madre, Nos. 1-65, 1967 – present. Articles on Projects Piaxtla and PROJIMO,and on health, development and disability issues in a wide range of countries. Available through HealthWrights.

Most issues are now on our website: www.healthwrights.org. More recent issues online in both English and Spanish. Many articles have been reprinted in various journals and books. Newsletters are also published on audio-cassettes for blind persons by Action on Disability and Development, Summerset, UK.

“Healing in the Sierra Madre,” Natural History, November, 1970.

“Health Care and Human Dignity: A Subjective Look at Community-based Rural Health Programs in Latin America,” Symposium on Appropriate Technology and Delivery of Health and Welfare Services for the Disabled in Developing Countries. Sept. 1976. Republished in Contact No. 57, August 1980 (English, Portuguese and Spanish), and in several countries and other languages. Available through HealthWrights.

“The Village Health Worker, Lackey or Liberator?” paper delivered at International Hospital Federation Congress May 22-27, 1977, published in the World Health Forum, World Health Organization (WHO), Vol.1, issue 1. Translated and republished in several countries. Available through HealthWrights.

“The Village Health Worker, Lackey or Liberator?” Chapter 9 of Health Auxiliaries ans the Health Team. 1978. Muriel Skeet, Catherine Elliot. International Hospital Federation. Taylor & Francis. Available in English and Spanish through HealthWrights.

“Health Care in Cuba Today: A Model Service or a Means of Social Control or Both?” Available through HealthWrights, 1979. Republished as a chapter in Practicing Health for All, Morley, et al., (New York, Oxford, 1983).

“Before and Beyond Objectives and Goals: The Vision,” 1979. Graduation address at Johns Hopkins School of International Public Health. Republished in Portuguese. Available from HealthWrights.

“Comments on the In-Service Workshops for Peace Corps Workers Involved in Health Care in Senegal, the Gambia, and the Central African Republic,” Available through HealthWrights, March 1980.

“Self-Care in a Mexican Village: A Conversation with David Werner,” Medical Self-Care/Access to Health Tools (New York, Summit Books, 1980,) pp.30-33.

“The Accountability of Community Health Workers—to Whom and for What,” June 1981.

“The Role of Village Health Workers in Promoting the Sensible Use of Medicines,” January 1982.

“Child-to-Child Trial Program,” The Journal of School Health, February 1983.

“Health Workers and Their Relationship to the Social and Political Dimensions of a Country,” Paper presented at the seminar: “Working Towards Health Care in an Independent Namibia,” London, October 10, 1983.

“Project PROJIMO: A Villager-run Rehabilitation Program for Disabled Children in Western Mexico,”Available through HealthWrights, 1983, Republished in Spanish by UNICEF.

“The Story of Chelo,” The New Internationalist, No. 127, September 1983. http://www.newint.org/issue127/chelo.htm

“Self-Care as a Priority of Primary Health Care,” paper presented to the World Health Organization “Scientific Meeting on Health Education in Self-Care,” Geneva, November 21-25, 1983. Available through HealthWrights.

Introduction, Where There Is No Dentist, (1983) Available through HealthWrights. Published in Spanish by Produssep (Mexico).

Commentary on “Community-based Rehabilitation Services: The Experience of Bacalod, Philippines, and the Asia/Pacific Region,” Monograph, #26 (New York, World Rehabilitation Fund, 1984), pp. 50-54.

“People Joining People to Help Themselves and Each Other in Situations Where the Odds are Against Them,” July 1984. Available through HealthWrights.

“Public Health, Poverty, and Empowerment - a Challenge” (Convocation Address, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health and Hygiene). Available through Health­Wrights, 1985. Reprinted in IFDA Dossier, May/June 1988, International Foundation for Development Alternatives, Nyon, Switzerland.

“Self-Care Where There Is No Doctor,” Council of International Programs - Council of International Fellowship 30th Anniversary Conference, Berea, Ohio, August 12-17, 1985.

“Report Concerning Diarrhea Control in Mozambique: Based on a Visit by David Werner from March 8 to 15, 1986.” Available through HealthWrights.

“Trip Report: Consultation for the Mozambique Ministry of Health and UNICEF,” September 1-27, 1987, Maputo and Nampula, Mozambique.

“ORT: The Need for Education and Participation,” Cultural Survival Quarterly, Vol. 10, No. 4, ‘86.

“Disabled Village Children: A Part of Primary Health Care,” Contact, No. 91, June 1986.

“Rehabilitation Medicine in Refugee Camps,” with Jean Baptiste Richardier. Chapter in Medical Care of Refugees, New York, Oxford, 1987, pp. 219-233.

“Some ways of Teaching and Learning about Nutrition,” Contact, Special Series, No. 4, April 1987.

“Program for and by Disabled Persons in Developing Countries,” Talk given at the Solbacka Seminar on Disabled People in the Third World, Handikappinstitutet, Sweden, September 29 - October 1, 1987. Reprinted in Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) News, No. 3, July 1989.

“Empowerment and Health,” Keynote to Christian Medical Commission/CCPD Joint Commission meeting, Manila, Philippines, January 12-19, 1988. Contact, No. 02, April 1988. Reprinted in Arabic. Available through HealthWrights.

“Community Struggles for Health: Practical Approaches - Mexico Project” and “Empowerment and Health” (English and Spanish). Talks given at the 1988 National Medical and Dental Association (NAMDA) Annual Conference in Port Elizabeth, South Africa (keynote international speaker), reprinted in Peoples Health - The Way Forward. Available through HealthWrights.

“Dying for Doctors,” The New Internationalist, No. 182, April 1988. www.newint.org/issue182/dying.htm “Progressive Primary Health Care in South Africa: A Seedbed For Change,” Progress: Reports on Health and Development in Southern Africa, Fall/Winter 1988.

“Health Care For No One by the Year 2000: The High Cost of Placing ‘National Security’ before Global Justice,” Talk given at the 16th Annual International Health Care Conference, National Council for International Health, Arlington, Virginia, June 18-21, 1989. Translations in Spanish and Hindi. Reprinted in Contact. Available through HealthWrights.

“Health Care for a Sick World: Rethinking Our Priorities,” Talk given at the 40th Annual Meeting of the American Medical Student Association, Arlington, Virginia, March 22-25, 1990.

“Healthy Profits in a Dying World: The Man-made Causes of Poor Health,” Address at The Other Economic Summit: “The Voice of the People for a Change,” Houston, Texas, July 6-8, 1990, and at the Takemi Forum on International Health, Harvard School of Public Health, October 25, 1990. Available through HealthWrights.

“Visit to Angola: Where Civilians are Disabled as a Strategy of Low Intensity Conflict.” Nos Vuestra. Nov 1, 1990. www.healthwrights.org. Also published by Disabled People in International Development, Coalition of Provincial Organizations of the Handicapped (COPOH), Winnipeg, Canada 1991. Reprinted in Arabic.

“El árbol de las drogas,” (“La Guerra Antidrogas”) Nexos, Vol. 13, No. 156, December 1990 (Spanish). www.healthwrights.org.

“Violación a los derechos humanos,” Nexos, January 1991 (Spanish).

“Eluisive Promise: Whatever happened to Health for All?” The New Internationalist, No. 331, Jan-Feb 1991 http://www.newint.org/issue331/elusive.htm .

“Health Rights Activist Looks at Palestine,” PeaceWORKS, February, 1991.

“Need Vs. Greed: The Politics of Hunger,” Address at the Fourth International Development Network Banquet, Bennion Community Service Center, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, February 1, 1991. Available through HealthWrights.

“Project PROJIMO: A Program For and By Disabled People” Reprinted in Arabic. Disabled People in International Development, Coalition of Provincial Organizations of the Handicapped (COPOH), Winnipeg, Canada 1991. Reprinted in Arabic.

“Weapons of Israeli Oppression” and “A Journey to the Occupied Territories,” Third World Resurgence, No. 11, July 1991.

“Egypt: Another Approaching Storm on the Desert,” Links: Health and Development Report, Vol. 8, No. 3, Fall 1991.

“Civilians Disabled in War Torn Areas,” CBR News No. 9 September 1991 (AHRTAG Publication). Reprinted in Disabled People in International Development. Excerpted from Newsletter from the Sierra Madre, Dec. 1990,

“Primary Health Care and Poverty: Old and New Lies,” chapter in Salute per Tutti? (translates as Health for All?), edited by Francesco Branca and Rosa D’Arca of the “Comitato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo dei Popoli,” Milan, Italy, 1992.

“Juan - Drug Smuggler Turned Therapist,” The New Internationalist, No. 233, July 1992.

“David Werner on Leadership for Health,” Interview in Quito, Ecuador, Contact, No. 127, Oct 1992.

“The Politics of Child Survival,” Talk given at the International People’s Health Council, global seminar, East Jerusalem, Palestine, November 1992. Available through HealthWrights.

“Pushing Drugs in a Free Market Economy: What the Tobacco, Pharmaceutical, and Illegal Drugs Industries Have in Common,” keynote address, American Medical Students Association, Miami Florida, March 1993. Available through HealthWrights.

“Beyond Pediatrics: The Health and Survival of Disadvantaged Children” E. H. Christopherson Lectureship on International Child Health, Am Academy of Pediatrics, Pediatics Vol 91 No 4 pp 703-705 April, 1993

“Disabled People in the Struggle for Social Change,” keynote address, Action on Disability and Development, Bangalore, India, April 23, 1993. Printed in Western Hemispheric Conference on Persons with Disabilities, 1993 and Health Alert, July 16- 31, 1994. Available through HealthWrights. www.healthwrights.org.

“Meeting the Needs of Disabled Village Children,” Tropical and Geographical Medicine, Vol. 45, No. 5, 1993.

“Enabling Primary Health Care through Disabled People.” Chapter 12, in Reaching Health for All by Jon Rhode, Meera Chaterjee and David Morley, Oxford University Press, 1993.

“The Life and Death of Primary Health Care or The McDonaldization of Alma Ata,” Tambalan, Jan. - April, 1994. Available through HealthWrights.

“Children Pay Price in Nicaragua’s New Order,” Third World Resurgence, No. 35 July 1993

“¡Viva Zapata!”June, 1994. This article is a modified version of a chapter to appear in a forthcoming book entitled Society and Health Case Book, Edited by Benjamin Amick III and Rima Rudd of the Harvard School of Public Health.

“Growth at All Costs: How the Current Global ‘Free Market’ Policies Speed the Increase of the World’s Population,” June 1994. Available through HealthWrights.

“How Current Global ‘Free Market’ Policies Speed the Increase of World Population,” Health Alert, September 16-30, 1994. Available through HealthWrights.

“Programs for and by Disabled Persons in Developing Countries,” CBR News AHRTAG Publication, September 1994, Inaugural Issue.

“What Causes Aids?” Third World Resurgence, No. 48, August 1994.

“The Politics of Health: Village-run Health Programs in the Sierra Madre Region of Mexico,” an interview with David Werner by Kathryn True, In Context, No. 39 Fall, 1994.

“Hidden Costs of Free Trade: Mexico bites the bullet.” Third World Resurgence. 1994. On website www.healthwrights.org.

“Disinvesting in Health,” One World No. 202 January/February 1995.

“Turning Health Care into an Investment: the Latest High-power Assaults on Primary Health Care,” keynote address at “Seminar of Health Communications,” Xavier Institute of Communications, Bombay, India, November 1994. Reprinted in Contact, No. 141, Feb.-March 1995.

“Update on Projimo, Mexican-based CBR Model,” International Rehabilitation Review, Vol. 46, issues 1 & 2, January-June 1995. Available through HealthWrights.

“Humanity as Commodity: The Hidden Agenda of the World Summit for Social Development,” Health Alert, Vol. XI, No. 184, June 16-30, 1995.

“Who Killed Primary Health Care?” New Internationalist, No. 272, October 1995. http://www.newint.org/issue272/who.htm On HealthWrights website: www.healthwrights.org.

“The New World Order: A Challenge to Health for All by the Year 2000,” Keynote address at the international meeting of the International People’s Health Council, National Progressive Primary Care Network, and South African Health and Social Services Organization, January 1997.

“Management of Long Term Disability.” Proceedings of Symposium on “Management of Long Term Disability,” Singapore, May, 1998. On website www.healthwrights.org.

“A Child is Not a Sack of Potatoes.” One in Ten (Rehabilitation International/UNICEF) Vol 19,1998

“Giving Control Back to the People.” Link (Vol. 16, No 3, June 19989. www.healthwrights.org.

“Health and Equity: Need for a People’s Perspective in the Quest for Health.” Proceedings of the WHO Conference “PHC21 – Everybody’s Business,” Almati, Kasakhstan, Nov. 1998. On website www.healthwrights.org.

“Los Chavelitos – an Oasis of Learning in Balance witth Nature.” Los Chavelitos Newsletter, No. 5 Nov. 1999.

“Breaking the Grip of Poverty on Povery-related Ill Health.” Keynote for NGO Forum for Health, Conference on “Breaking the Grip of Poverty on Health,” Geneva, May, 2000. On website www.healthwrights.org.

“Leg braces for David: the need to solve problems as equals.” CMT Newsletter, No 92, April, 2000.

“Global Ills and Popular Struggles in Ecuador,” May 2000. On website www.healthwrights.org.

“Toward a Healthier World – Methods and Action for Change” Keynote at the People’s Health Assembly, Savar, Bangladesth, Dec, 2000. On website www.healthwrights.org.

“Liberation from What? A Critical Reflection on PHA2000” by David Werner and David Sanders. Asian Exchange, Vol. 16, No 2, 2000, pp 18-30.

“Elusive Promise: How a counter revolution has ambushed primary healthcare in countries of the South.” New Internationalist, No. 331, Jan/Feb 2001

“Insuring the necessary resources for the human right to health: a perspective from the North.” April 2001. Proceedings of the Global Assembly on “Advancing the Human Right to Health,” Iowa City, Iowa, April 2001. www.healthwrights.org.

“The Changing Pattern of Health in Iran.” Third World Resurgence, No. 137-138, Jan-Feb, 2002 First published in Newsletter from the Sierra Madre, No. 46. Dec. 1901, www.healthwrights.org.

“Struggle for sustainable human and environmental well-being on the Mexican Coast of Oaxaca.” Development in Practice, Vol 12, Number 1, pp. 2-6. Feb. 2002.

“La lucha por un bienestar media ambiental y humano sostenible en la costa de Oaxaca, Méjico” Medicina Holistica – Medicinas Complementarias, No 68, 2003, Madrid. p 55-65.

“The Alma Ata Declaration and the Goal of ‘Health for All’ – Keeping the Dream Alive” Third World Resurgence. No 155-156 July/Aug 2003. www.healthwrights.org.

“Cuba’s Creative Response to Hard Times” Third World Resurgence. No 171-172 Nov/Dec 2004, condensed version of article in Newsletter from the Sierra Madre, No. 51. Aug. 2004, www.healthwrights.org.

“Honduras: New Damage from Old Wounds” Third World Resurgence. No 189-190 May/June 2006, condensed version of article in Newsletter from the Sierra Madre, No. 56. April. 2006, www.healthwrights.org.

“Vie et mort des soins de santé primaries,” David Werner et David Sanders – Chapitre 1, de La Santé pour tous, Jan 2007, Centre Europe—Tiers Mond, Genevre, Suisse.

“Meeting the needs of disabled Children in developing countries” Chapter 10 in Ergonomics for Children: Designing products and places for toddler to teens, 2008, Edited by Rani Lueder & Valerie J. Berg Rice. Taylor and Francis Group, New York.”

“Adapting wheelchairs to each child’s needs and possibilities” Connect, #31, December 2009. Liliane Foundation, Holland.

“Envisioning a Future: Is Health for All possible in a Free Market Economy?” Jan 2010. Asian Health Institute, Series No. 84, Special issue, Nagoya Japan. From keynote at Seminar, 11-09: “Towards Health in the Hands of the People.”

Awards and Fellowships

Ecology award: Outstanding contribution for over 3 decades. Ecological Association of Mazatlan. Expo-ecología. Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa en Mazatlán, México, Nov. 2003

MacArthur Fellowship “genius award” for outstanding contribution to humanity, field of Third World Primary Health Care, Development, and Disability. June 1991 to 1996.

Christopherson Award for International Child Health, from the American Academy of Pediatrics, September, 1992.

Salud Y Paz Award, National Central American Health Rights Network (NCAHRN), 1991.

World Health Organization’s first international award for Education in Primary Health Care, 1985, (to the Hesperian Foundation for David Werner’s work, especially the book Helping Health Workers Learn.

American Medical Writers Association, first place book award in trade book category, for Where There Is No Doctor, 1978.

Guggenheim Fellowship, 1977

University of Cincinnati, first place in statewide drama-writing competition, for the play in verse, “The Pallid Sphere.” 1957.

James Murdock Scholarship for “most outstanding science student of the year,” 1955 & 1956, University of New England, Armidale, New South Wales, Australia.


A number of funding organizations have made grants to David Werner, directly or through the groups with which he has worked, for the production of self-help handbooks and educational materials and for various other projects. These include the Kellogg Foundation, Carnegie Foundation, Sunflower Foundation, Syntex Corporation, Ella Lyman Cabot Trust, Christian Medical Commission, OXFAM, Mulago Foundation, Brot Für die Welt, Misereor, Public Welfare Foundation, UNICEF, SIDA, Threshold Foundation, Thrasher Research Fund, Norwegian International Disability Alliance, Right Sharing of World Resources, Stichting Kinderpostzegels, De Waal Foundation of Holland, and Stichting Liliane Fonds, Holland.


1963. Research assistant to desert biologist Dr. Ernest R. Tinkham. Discovered a new genus and species of a Stenopelmatine cricket, Viscainopelmatus davewerneri, in the Viscaino Desert of Baja California, Mexico.